Itchy, irritated, sensitive skin


It is important to identify any underlying cause for your cat’s itch if treatment is going to be successful.  While some causes are easy to diagnose and  eliminate (e.g. fleas/other external parasites) some conditions are more complex and require specific management. Topical products, such as  DOUXO® S3 CALM, are often integral in managing itchy and sensitive skin complaints in cats as they bring ingredients to where they are needed to soothe the skin and strengthen the damaged skin barrier. 

Feline miliary dermatitis is a general term used to describe a skin condition in cats that most commonly results from an allergic reaction (e.g. flea bites). Cats will have a very itchy rash and may lick, bite, and scratch at the affected skin. The most commonly affected areas include the lower spine, around the base of the tail, face, ears, neck, flanks, and belly.  If you notice these signs in your cat it is important to speak to your vet to discuss the best treatment options. 

If your cat is itching and scratching a lot it is essential that you consult your vet. Skin allergies in cats are a common cause of itchy skin but there are other causes such as external parasites and hormonal imbalances (hyperthyroidism) that can also cause itchy skin. These conditions all require the expertise of your vet to manage them. 

In addition to the specific treatments required for the underlying condition the use of topical products, such as DOUXO® S3 CALM, are often used as they help soothe itchy skin and repair the damaged skin barrier.  


Skin & ear infection


Ear mites are a common condition, especially in young cats, which requires medical attention. Your veterinarian will most likely  prescribe medication to be put directly in the ears to resolve the issue. Generally speaking, recovery is achieved in around 2 weeks. 

Dry, flaky, oily skin


Stress can cause excessive scratching or licking, and as a consequence dry and flaky skin. Nevertheless there are other causes for flaky skin and dandruff in cats. It is recommended to consult your veterinarian to discuss your cats grooming habits, parasite control and diet alongside a medical examination.  

It is uncommon for cats to get greasy fur as they are normally meticulous in their grooming habits.  However if you do notice that your cat has developed a greasy coat then it is worth booking a consultation with your vet to have them examined. Some conditions, such as arthritis and obesity, mean that they unable to groom themselves effectively leading to greasy and matted patches of fur.   

Dandruff can be seen when excessive amounts of dead skin cells are shed and then become trapped in the fur. There are many potential underlying causes of dandruff in cats including; skin allergies, poor diet, lack of grooming due to obesity or arthritis, and parasites (fleas, mites,). Even changes in the seasons can affect your pets coat quality. Visit your vet for more information.  

There are many causes of dry and or dandruffy skin in cats. Identifying the underlying cause is key and often this requires liaising with your vet. Topical products with specific anti-dandruff action like DOUXO® S3 SEB can be hugely beneficial as they bring the active ingredients to where they are needed. 

here are many causes of dry and or dandruffy skin in cats. Identifying the underlying cause is key and often this requires liaising with your vet. Topical products with specific anti-dandruff action like DOUXO® S3 SEB can be hugely beneficial as they bring the active ingredients to where they are needed. Don’t worry, you don’t need to bath your cat... DOUXO® S3 SEB also comes as mousse for easy, hassle-free application. 

Other skin conditions


It is normal for cats to shed hair as the seasons change. However, if you are noticing excessive hair loss or even patches of bald skin it is important to discuss these findings with your vet to find the underlying cause and arrange for appropriate interventions if needed. Common causes for excessive hair loss include; over-grooming, caused by stress, skin allergies and external parasites or even certain skin infections such as ringworm.  

Bald spots in cats have a huge variety of causes including; parasites, ringworm and excessive scratching or licking due to stress or skin allergies. If you notice bald spots on your cat it is best to consult your vet for advice.