Itchy, irritated, sensitive skin


It is essential to find the cause of your cat’s itch to treat it as efficiently as possible. While some causes are easy to eliminate (fleas, etc.) some require more specific management. For causes not easy to remove, a topical solution like DOUXO® S3 CALM soothes the skin and strengthens the damaged skin barrier, in addition to the solutions proposed by your vet.

Miliary dermatitis is one presentation of feline allergies and consists in crusted dermatitis. To efficiently treat it, it is of major importance to define the cause, and your vet will help you.

The first thing to consider is to find the cause of the allergy. Your veterinarian is your ally in this. Then he will propose to you a solution that is usually multimodal. In all cases, bringing ingredients where needed with a topical product like DOUXO® S3 CALM while strengthening the skin barrier is essential and safe for your cat.

Skin & ear infection


Ear mites are a common condition, especially in young cats that requires medical attention. The veterinarian will probably recommend an ear cleansing with an adapted product and then prescribe medication to be put directly in the ears. Generally speaking, recovery is achieved in around 2 weeks.

Dry, flaky, oily skin


Stress can cause excessive scratching or licking, and as a consequence dry and flaky skin. Nonetheless it is your the most common cause for dandruff in cat, and you should investigate you cat’s grooming habits, food or health with your vet.

Greasiness in a cat's fur is not very common and in a lot of cases, it is a sign related to a health disorder that requires medical attention.

White flakes on your cat’s coat are dead skin cells accumulated and not removed by the cat. Not removed because the cat can’t groom (overweight for example) or because too much flakes are produced and your cat could not remove everything. While some causes are easy to solve (better quality of the food, weight loss), some others require medical attention.

Dry skin is often seen along with dandruff in cats. There are many causes to this and it is of interest to identify the underlying cause, with your vet. To help remove these dead cells, you can brush your cat and use topical products like DOUXO® S3 SEB with an action on cell turnover.

Dandruff in cats is caused by many things, related to the cat's lack of grooming (an overweight cat for example) or by conditions leading to increased dead cells the cat can’t remove. Your vet will help to find the cause and propose an adapted solution. Topical products such as DOUXO® S3 SEB will help reduce dandruff in your cat.

Other skin conditions


Cat hair loss can be caused by many things, some are physiological (preauricular without inflammation) or benign and will recover spontaneously while some others are the sign of more serious conditions. Consult your veterinarian for a diagnosis.

Bald spot in cats have a huge variety of causes: parasites, ringworm, excessive scratching or licking (in case of allergies or stress-mediated), reactions to products, etc. You veterinarian will help you find the cause and propose an adapted solution.