

Dog’s skin is different from the human one, in terms of thickness, pH, etc. Baby shampoos are milder than regular human shampoos but are still adapted to human skin. Their sensitive skin needs high quality products specifically formulated for them like DOUXO® S3 CARE.

Dog’s skin has a different structure than the human skin with less cell layers than the human one, and a different pH. Human products can contain some ingredients unsuitable for dog’s skin and can be irritating. Their skin needs quality products formulated specifically for their skin, like DOUXO® S3 CARE.

Lift up the dog’s ear. Introduce the open end of the cap in the entry of the ear canal, and fill it by pressing on the bottle. Massage the base of the ear in order to mix possible debris with the lotion. Let your pet shake his head. It will help debris to come out. Wipe off any surplus product and debris with a compress or a cotton pad.

There is no general rule, but an ear externally clean does not need to be cleansed. You can clean it when you see debris, cerumen, or after a swim. Some breeds like cocker spaniel for example are more susceptible to have in increased cerumen production.

Cat shampoos are generally very mild and might not remove grease and dirt from your dog’s skin, especially if your dog has a thick undercoat or long-hair. Prefer using a dog shampoo or a shampoo adapted to both species, like DOUXO® S3 CARE.

You should not use human dry shampoos as they may contain some ingredients not suitable for a dog’s skin. There are dry shampoos specifically formulated for dogs available on the market.

If your dog has externally a clean ear, doesn’t scratch ears, there is no need to clean it. On the contrary, if you see debris, cerumen, or after a swimming, it is a good idea to clean his ears with a product formulated for pet’s ears.

Dog’s ears have a different structure than the human one, so that human products are not suitable for pets. In addition, to remove cerumen, it is necessary to use specific products able to dissolve cerumen in dogs. Physiologic water is not powerful enough for an efficient ear cleaning.

As dog’s and human’s skin are different, products suitable for humans may not be suitable for dogs. Some may be irritating for your dog’s skin and cause itch, redness, discomfort, so it is wise to use a specific shampoo formulated for your dog’s skin, such as DOUXO® S3 CARE.

It is perfectly okay to bathe a pregnant dog, as long as she is kept relaxed and stress-free. It is particularly important to ensure that there is a non-slip surface to prevent falls and injury. 

Many anti-parasitic shampoos are not recommended for pregnant dogs, so also be mindful about the product you are using, and if you have any concerns, contact your veterinarian for advice. 



For a mild bath, you can use dry shampoos suitable for cats. For a complete shampoo, first brush his hair. Then, you can use a cup to gently pour on your cat, massage the shampoo into the hair. Rinse carefully with the cup and dry off your cat with a towel.

There is no easy answer to it, but generally speaking, as long as your cat’s fur is not dirty, you don’t need to bathe your cat, he does a great job by himself. It is only an on-demand procedure.

It depends on the composition of the dog shampoo. Flea shampoos are generally not suitable for cats, and sometimes poisonous for them. Regular shampoo can be too harsh for cats. Ideally, it is better to use gentle shampoos formulated for both species, like DOUXO® S3 CARE.